We encourage people to follow us and we will post information we deem to be interesting, relevant and of use to people living in the Dyfed Powys Police area. It should not be used as a primary method of contacting the Force, nor should it be used to report crimes, incident or complaints. To contact us please visit our Contact Us page.

In an emergency always dial 999, when it is less urgent call 101. To contact your local Neighbourhood Police Team call 101 or visit the "Your Area" section of our website.

We will include:

  • New content and information relating to services, initiatives, meetings, events and campaigns.
  • An RSS feed from our press releases that are published on our website;
  • Retweets/links from other public sector / community organisations and individuals that are relevant to Dyfed Powys;
  • Links to relevant online media coverage;
  • We will also publish information and links that are relevant to our work and the services we provide as well as ask questions to gauge public opinion on a range of formal and informal topics.
  • Some of the content may be produced in house and other content may be developed by external companies.
  • We reserve the right to delete any information from our wall/profile/twitter feed that we feel is inappropriate for a public site in line with the general principles of netiquette.

The Chief Constable will use his account to share relevant information, show support for campaigns and initiatives and retweet appropriate messages from related organisations. The account will not be monitored 24 hours and should not be used as a primary method of contact.

Crimes and incidents should not be reported to the Chief Constables twitter account.


If you follow us on Twitter or become our friend on Facebook we will not automatically follow you back. This is to avoid resource-wasting spam-handling and so that we can easily identify other key Twitter/Facebook users we think are relevant to our work from who we follow. Being followed by us does not imply endorsement of any kind.


We will update and monitor our Twitter and Facebook accounts as often as we can. The sites may occasionally be unavailable and we accept no responsibility for lack of service due to their downtime.

@Replies, Direct Messages and Wall Posts

We welcome feedback and ideas from all our followers. However, we are not always able to reply individually to the messages we receive via the sites.

Dyfed Powys Police reserve the right not to respond to messages or questions where the responses could jeopardise investigations, or where the officer in charge/commander has authorised a response that has been published.

The Corporate Communications team read all @replies and Direct Messages and ensures that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are passed to the relevant people.

The usual ways of contacting us for official correspondence are detailed in the contact us section of our website.

Please don’t rely on contacting us through social media in an emergency. In an emergency always ring 999 or 101 if it’s less urgent.

Please note our Police Officers do not have individual profiles on Facebook. The Chief Constable of the Force also uses twitter. The only official force profile is Dyfed Powys Police.


We ask that people who use the sites to post messages do so within the accepted social guidelines and common courtesy of ‘Netiquette’.

The word netiquette is a combination of ’net’ (from internet) and ’etiquette’. It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online discussion groups (http://www.bbc.co.uk/webwise/guides/about-netiquette)

If your messages or posts are not in line with netiquette they may be removed.

Key principles of Netiquette (taken from various online sources)

  • Be human - follow the same standards that you would in ‘real life’. Be ethical and don’t break the law. Don’t post anything on line that you wouldn’t say to the person’s face.
  • Be clear - make sure the title/subject line reflects your content. Check your spelling and grammar.
  • Use appropriate language – please do not swear, use capital letters, defame individuals or organisations or make unsubstantiated claims or assumptions.
  • Be brief
  • Be selective on what information you post - information on the Internet is very public, and can seen by anyone including friends, children, your partner, criminals and current and future employers. 
  • Remember you are not anonymous - what you post online can be traced back to you 
  • Consider others - if you are upset by what you read or see on the Internet, forgive bad spelling or stupidity. If you think it violates the law, call 101 and report it to the Police. 
  • Obey copyright laws - don't use others' images, content, etc. without permission
  • Do not send SPAM - SPAM is posting or e-mailing unsolicited e-mail, often advertising messages, to a wide audience
  • Don't respond to "flames" or personal attacks – do not engage with the posts online. 
  • Refrain from personal abuse - you may disagree with what someone says, but don't call them names or make threats towards them.