The office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is committed to making this website accessible to all visitors.

To learn how to make the web more accessible to you by changing your browser, computer, keyboard or mouse settings, please visit the BBC’s My Web My Way.

Our Policy

We aim to meet or exceed level AA of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. In practice, this means that we:

  • Try to use the simplest language possible and avoid jargon
  • Use a logical document structure using paragraphs, headings, lists and other appropriate elements
  • Allow users to resize all text
  • Allow sufficient contrast in background and foreground colours
  • Use descriptive link text that makes sense out of context
  • Ensure that any image that conveys information has a text equivalent
  • Provide access keys
  • Use a flexible layout to accommodate different screen sizes and resolutions

Ongoing Work

We are working with the Shaw Trust to improve the accessibility of our website.

Some sections of the site require further work to bring them up to standard, including the application forms in the Jobs and Recruitment section and the search facility. A new search facility will be launched soon.

Accessibility Feedback and Suggestions

If you have any comments or suggestions on how we may improve the accessibility of our website, please contact us:
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
PO Box 99
SA31 2PF
